Just about any fabric can be felted with the Felting Embroidery Set, however, some fabrics
tend to give a more favorable result when embellished or laundered.
The recommended fabrics are those that are made from natural fibers, such as wool and
wool roving. The best characteristic for fabrics is a napped or textured surface.
A napped surface will adhere to a natural fiber/napped surface/or mixed fiber base.
Avoid synthetics with “wash and wear” type of weaves and finishes that have a smooth
The effect differs from fabric to fabric. Always test on a piece of material before you start.
When embroidering with the felting needles, no threads are used. The fabric is hooped with
the right side facing down.
When embroidering free-standing designs or when using wool roving, a water soluble
stabilizer is needed.
Three designs are available for download from "www.husqvarnaviking.com". Each design
represents a felting technique, Free Standing, One-Layer and Multi-layer embroidery.
These techniques are shown below.
To download the designs, go to www.husqvarnaviking.com
Find the Felting Embroidery Set. Click on the link to download the designs.
- Free Standing Embroidery
- One-Layer Embroidery
- Multi-Layer Embroidery